News — Gliga
"In the white"
Chinese German Gliga in the white
Elizabeth WardMany buyers may be unaware of the existence of instruments sold "in the white". This doesn't mean instruments that are painted white, or that have a colourless varnish. It is a way that instruments are sold by makers either to other makers or to dealers who are specialist enough and large enough to have their own varnishing facilities (which basically means a large enough space to hang up instruments to dry, away from anything likely to stick to the varnish (flies perhaps?!) and the time to hand brush varnish over the instrument perhaps ten times or more). This is the...
Why you need to order RIGHT NOW if you want a Gliga before the end of term.
Elizabeth WardThis message doesn't seem to be getting through and I have no idea why. My stocks even of full size Gligas are very limited. My stocks of smaller sizes are even lower, typically only one each of 3/4 and 1/2 size violins and only Genial 1 to Gems 1 (many Gliga stockists in the UK don't seem to stock these sizes at all). There are two reasons for this which I have explained many times (see previous posts). 1. Demand for Gliga far outstrips supply so there is a lead time of about a month and orders are made on...